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I believe attack speed (?) and ping are what matters for eyes when I lose them to reds, have not noticed my low cast time matters for spheres/compasses, have lost them to others including melees o.o
White spheres not scrying eyes. Though I only recently discovered you could grab the eyes with the interaction button without having to just kill them to death lol.
White spheres not scrying eyes. Though I only recently discovered you could grab the eyes with the interaction button without having to just kill them to death lol.

Yes, I'm saying eyes already (edit) seem to* have it and that I don't notice anything with my cast time for the spheres that you want to be affected by attack speed.

Essentially, by adding attack speed to all of it, btw, you'll give attack speed builds an advantage over all collection type quests.
Yes, I'm saying eyes already (edit) seem to* have it and that I don't notice anything with my cast time for the spheres that you want to be affected by attack speed.

Test it against a melee next Invasion you attend. Watch a melee try to gather an arcane sphere, then watch how long it takes you to gather one with high cast speed. Then try both taking one at the same time. You'll see what I mean. We have like a 4 second slow loading bar, mage pick up almost instantly. It's incredibly annoying watching someone slowly waltzing over to you while your bar is going and then just *pap* grab it and run away.

Yes, I'm saying eyes already (edit) seem to* have it and that I don't notice anything with my cast time for the spheres that you want to be affected by attack speed.

Essentially, by adding attack speed to all of it, btw, you'll give attack speed builds an advantage over all collection type quests.
That is the situation that currently already exists, but biasing in favor of cast speed. Same also applies to picking up packs, Arcane Stones, and various other things. It's frustrating when it keeps coming up unexpectedly, it feels like Mages all got given a VIP pass. :p

But all that being said, I don't actually hate the idea of stats and skills affecting structural parts of the game. This could be a very neat idea. Like, Firran fall damage, and Malediction makes portals stay open longer or cast faster or something, doesn't it? I think that's pretty cool, and I would like to see more stuff that conveys extra privileges to players as a reward for hard work. For example, wouldn't it be cool if having more ranged damage enabled ranged players to perceive names and faction colors at a greater distance than the rest of us? Explicable in-game because they have superior long-range vision. I'm sure I could think of more.

However, in this specific case the cast speed difference confers a consequential advantage to in-game progression. And if I were to go all in on attack speed, I feel like a fair perk of that would be that I literally, physically, bend down and pick things up faster than would someone without that investment. So if this feature is to exist at all, in my opinion, it makes MORE sense that it should apply to attack speed than anything else. However, I am more than happy to simply share it with cast speed. Attack speed makes MORE sense, but ONLY cast speed conveying this advantage makes negative sense.
Test it against a melee next Invasion you attend.

See below, my initial response:

I believe attack speed (?) and ping are what matters for eyes when I lose them to reds, have not noticed my low cast time matters for spheres/compasses, have lost them to others including melees o.o

and regarding this:
That is the situation that currently already exists

No there's no pure bias towards cast time as, considering it seems attack speed is valid for the eyes, there's something for both types then? If it works like that currently, which, again, in my experience it doesn't.

Also main tip for compasses: swim faster, that's only reason I outdid others on those quests.
No there's no pure bias towards cast time as, considering it seems attack speed is valid for the eyes, there's something for both types then? If it works like that currently, which, again, in my experience it doesn't.

Also main tip for compasses: swim faster, that's only reason I outdid others on those quests.
I can't rule out the possibility that this is a ping thing, but I would be very, very surprised if it were. It seems evident that collecting scales with cast speed, or at least something magey, in fact I always thought that was common knowledge throughout the game. If there is some other phenomenon at work then whatever it is, that also would need to be addressed. But Every time I see someone instantly collect a sphere, they are a mage. Perhaps we should test it together next Invasion?

As for the eyes, I haven't quite figured them out. They are immune for the first few hits, and sometimes that seems to go on way longer. I think it's about being inside them or something? either way, as I said I noticed recently you can just instantly grab them, I think through the interaction button but maybe that's just placebo on my part. either way, since you're talking about actually killing them to collect them, then obviously, cast speed and attack speed would confer an equal advantage. So there's not one easier thing for each attack type (and it wouldn't be balanced even if it were, since there are vastly more white spheres than scrying eyes).

It is quite possible the root cause of the sphere gathering speed is something other than cast speed and I just assumed incorrectly, but I'm nearly certain it's not ping. It's obviously responding to something skill/ stat, or gear related. Understand, I'm not seeing people run over, instantly pick up the sphere, and THEN stand still for 4 seconds, like they are simply out of sync. They walk up to the sphere, instantly grab it, then immediately move onto the next. *THEY* are experiencing faster collection. The channel skill that happens when collecting is, literally, faster for them than it is for me. And it seems to always be mages.

I have healers in my guild btw who have very high ping and yet they report they have the fast collection on arcane spheres. And I have melees who agree it is slow for them.

As I said perhaps we can test this at some point.

Edit: one of the mages in my guild who reports fast sphere collection has relatively low cast speed, so now I am thinking it is scaling with intelligence or something like that? I always heard it was cast speed hence my assumption, but I'm happy to reevaluate that. Whatever it is, I think it's fair for there to be a melee equivalent.
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Collecting Spheres is not affected by Cast time or attack speed or any other decrease. its a fixed cast. It is entirely ping dependant of who begins their cast first with additional checks to stop it going to multiple people.
Scrying eyes are not killable or interactable. They will self destroy when targeting a player close enough to trigger them.

So there is no suggestion to evaluate here.
Collecting Spheres is not affected by Cast time or attack speed or any other decrease. its a fixed cast. It is entirely ping dependent of who begins their cast first with additional checks to stop it going to multiple people.

Interesting, Can you help me solve the mystery of what I have observed happening then? Many times someone walks up to me while I am in mid-cast and they take the sphere instantly. Firstly, if there are checks in place to ensure the first cast is successful, shouldn't this be impossible? If I have been there that much longer, no amount of ping or lag is going to make me count as the second attempt. Secondly, if it was ping, that shouldn't affect the length of time of the cast bar, should it?

You seem to be saying ping determines who counts as using the sphere first, not how long the bar lasts, which you have said is fixed. In which case, it should be impossible for me to observe people collecting them almost instantly. No mater how behind or ahead of me they may be, they should be standing at each sphere for the same length of time as I am. This is not the case. I regularly watch people moving from sphere to sphere collecting each of them with very little waiting time compared to me. If I am understanding you correctly, this is not explicable through ping.

They should still have to stand there for the same several seconds as I do, even if on their client it is happening sooner than I see it.

Scrying eyes are not killable or interactable. They will self destroy when targeting a player close enough to trigger them.

Ah, I didn't know that. That solves that mystery then, thank you. ^^
None of what you have just described is true or accurate to how ping differences is reflected
Where you see someone is not necessarily where they actually are on their client as the games doesn't force server response for movement. This stops you getting rubber banded around with high or unstable pings.
When you see someone appear, take it and leave instantly. They didn't do that on their client. Your games just catching them up for you of where they are in real time on your game.

and I never said there were checks to make it so the first person gets it. The checks just stop multiple people getting the same orb. Which in 99% of circumstances will be whoever's client triggers a server response of channelled first
Hmm, well maybe that's all it is then. It seems to have been quite consistent that this fast collection happens for mages, and those who complain about slow collection always seem to be melee, but perhaps it's just been a coincidence. I'd be curious to see some experiments to test this. Either way if there is no intentional game design at work here then I guess there's nothing for me to ask you to fix lol. Thanks for the answers. ^^