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The problem with suggestions and their implementations

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According to the statistics from RU server, there are planty of full sockets and Legendary items there. There was no socketing success increase for the players there but they could still do it. Why it's hard for you then? What's the difference? This server is just 3 months old but you expect to reach top now when it's still too early for that.
Whats the population like on ru servers? generally curious as i have no idea.
According to the statistics from RU server, there are planty of full sockets and Legendary items there. There was no socketing success increase for the players there but they could still do it. Why it's hard for you then? What's the difference? This server is just 3 months old but you expect to reach top now when it's still too early for that.
It has a lot less to do with hitting the 'top gear'. There is no 'top gear' in Archeage, people won't be hitting mythics, or full socketing t3 gems even if you literally fed us every item we needed to get there. The RNG is the brick wall that will keep us below this end of progression you seem to think people would hit.
Imagine, we added all the requested changes. You start the game, and in 1-2 months you enchant armor and weapon for max and insert max gems. All your friends do the same. Now all server have top armor, top weapon and top stuff.
What will you do next? Of course you'll leave the game, as now all the players are at the same level and you have nothing else to reach in game, no more goals.
Would you still be interested in continuing playing? All players will be the same, no differences, no more goals. You'll get bored fast and leave.

So when it comes to the socketing change, you have to understand that socketing honor gems is a bare minimum for pvp. When the honor gem debate was going on, this was common concern. People were worried that once they get their full sockets the interest for pvp and events would die down. This is when the suggestion of adding more items to the honor shop to keep interest came to life.

Even if you didn't have more items in the honor shop, you have to understand that people put gems in their gear to pvp correctly. Pvping without gems is far more hurtful, and causes people to leave at a much quicker rate than if everyone had full gems.

We as players are not claiming to have the perfect solutions for every issue, but we have played the same game long enough to understand how it works. Everyone having full sockets of gear is not going to make people stop going to events like Lucas, halcyona, and nistmarrow.

One of my friends previously blew 200k honor on a single pieces of gear. He waited for this change and decided to attempt to full socket his gear with this implemented. 100k honor later and he's left with one gem. I know he's not the only one with this issue. Please consider what we are saying not just for honor gem changes, but for everything that was suggested here.
According to the statistics from RU server, there are planty of full sockets and Legendary items there. There was no socketing success increase for the players there but they could still do it. Why it's hard for you then? What's the difference? This server is just 3 months old but you expect to reach top now when it's still too early for that.
Are you looking at the top players in ru? Or the general population? Those are two different types of people.

Fully gemming somthing with honor does not mean you are gaining top level gear.
According to the statistics from RU server, there are planty of full sockets and Legendary items there. There was no socketing success increase for the players there but they could still do it. Why it's hard for you then? What's the difference? This server is just 3 months old but you expect to reach top now when it's still too early for that.

I think Sparkle what they are trying to point out, is that the frustration and grief from losing months of Honor invested in a matter of minutes ,outweighs the potential grief they would have from reaching their goals.
Since new goals will always arrive, but what is lost is lost.
But if you push a player too much he will leave before he gets bored ;)

There is also the mentality to take into account since NA has a bit higher criteria than RU/KR and grindy content is not received the same as there, as much as the truth that NA has higher donation potential than other regions, as they are more demanding.

And guys i have almost always had nothing but warm words from both Iron Lady and Sparkle, they are polite and nice, creative people, try to reason with them in a smart way :)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone and don't make war ,make love !
According to the statistics from RU server, there are planty of full sockets and Legendary items there. There was no socketing success increase for the players there but they could still do it. Why it's hard for you then? What's the difference? This server is just 3 months old but you expect to reach top now when it's still too early for that.
I've played RU, and the difference is that the RU playerbase was not as competitive.
If you take a second to look at the PvP here vs the PvP on RU (I've seen both), you'll quickly see that the Russian server was nowhere near as competitive as this one. I'm pretty sure that the russian players would get DESTROYED in Raid v Raid here because of the difference in skill.
Also remember the fact that any suggestion to make the game a bit easier on RU was shot down before any debate happened.
Imagine, we added all the requested changes. You start the game, and in 1-2 months you enchant armor and weapon for max and insert max gems. All your friends do the same. Now all server have top armor, top weapon and top stuff.
What will you do next? Of course you'll leave the game, as now all the players are at the same level and you have nothing else to reach in game, no more goals.
Would you still be interested in continuing playing? All players will be the same, no differences, no more goals. You'll get bored fast and leave.

My chief complaint with any RNG system is there is no cap. By that, I mean there is no way to ever guarantee that you will ever get something in a system that is based on RNG without some kind of cap. You could spend 5k honor and get full gems, or you could spend 1 million honor and have nothing. Honor comes at about 2-4k per day, so you spend 2 days if you're lucky, or you NEVER get what you want after YEARS. It is the single biggest contributing reason to my quitting Trion's servers.

That's the trouble with an RNG system like this. That's why games that are still alive and thriving adjust RNG based on the number of failures. A lot of people refer to this as a "rolling RNG system", where the system tracks your RNG and the number of past failures increases future success rates until you succeed. The more you fail, the more likely you are to succeed later. ArcheAge, as far as I know, has no built-in mechanic like this, so we have to resort to other ways to fix it.

And that is the problem with the foundation of this game. To compete, you need gear. To compete better, you need better gear. To get better gear, you must go up against the RNG system. The gearing system is designed to be the sink also, so you have a chance of getting better each try (slimmest chance), staying the same (slim chance), or destroying your items (biggest chance). And it gets worse the higher you go.

Players get extremely frustrated when systems are designed around your luck as opposed to your skill. Right now, it's whoever gets the best random dice roll wins. The amount of skill you have to bring to a fight to overcome someone with the next grade up in gear is much higher than you would need to fight someone of equivalent gear. And why does this person have an advantage? Oh, the RNG system decided he should win from here on out against you.

That will cause people to leave and continue to cause people to throw up their hands in frustration.

Nobody said everyone should be given mythics with full gems in order to balance the playing field. But the system is designed so that those who swipe the hardest and most often are the ones who are rewarded. There's simply no way anyone can keep up with a whale with virtually unlimited resources without getting extremely lucky, and that isn't going to happen because people are scared of destroying what little they've been able to scrape together.

So when a group of normal people go out and encounter 1 or 2 of these people who either got extremely lucky with everything or who spent $1000 or more, they get annihilated and have no chance. Doesn't matter how skilled they are, doesn't matter their tactics. RNG already decided when it gave the swiper a legendary sword that you were not going to win this encounter. You lose, his credit card wins.

That's what it comes down to. It's what it came down to on the Trion servers, and on the XL servers in Korea.

And that's why a lot of people quit.

Let me break it down more simply:

A player sits down in a chair. There is a 100-sided die on the right and a $100 bill on the left. The rules are simple: Roll a 1 on the 100-sided die and you win. Roll anything else, and you set the $100 bill on fire and let it burn away.

The people leaving the game are the ones who stand up and take their $100 with them because to hell with that silly game.

In the honor system, it's time instead of money. Replace the $100 bill with a day of your life. Roll a 1, you win. Roll anything else, you just lost a day of your life that you'll never get back, that you could've spent doing something more enjoyable. You look back on the wasted time and start to get frustrated. Frustration turns to anger, and anger turns to Uninstall.

I'm not trying to be rude to anyone here, especially not the staff because none of this is easy to solve. But I'm trying to convey what you're dealing with from the player's perspective, why people have left in droves, and will continue to leave unless this game starts to feel a lot less like the Trion cash grab we all went through previously.
I think Sparkle what they are trying to point out, is that the frustration and grief from losing months of Honor invested in a matter of minutes ,outweighs the potential grief they would have from reaching their goals.
Since new goals will always arrive, but what is lost is lost.
But if you push a player too much he will leave before he gets bored ;)

There is also the mentality to take into account since NA has a bit higher criteria than RU/KR and grindy content is not received the same as there, as much as the truth that NA has higher donation potential than other regions, as they are more demanding.

And guys i have almost always had nothing but warm words from both Iron Lady and Sparkle, they are polite and nice, creative people, try to reason with them in a smart way :)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone and don't make war ,make love !
I'm actually glad you said that because that is also a heavy factor to consider.

I briefly played on the RU server just to check it out a while ago. The NA crowd is WAY more competitive than RU. Bosses that are getting farmed here took RU months to learn how to do. Things like free farming dgs were not an issue because they didn't even know how to do it correctly.

Because of how much more competitive NA is, the demand for honor gems is much higher. A new player having no gems is much less detrimental on RU than here.
I'm actually glad you said that because that is also a heavy factor to consider.
Bosses that are getting farmed here took RU months to learn how to do. Things like free farming dgs were not an issue because they didn't even know how to do it correctly.
I probably would have had a better time on RU
This may be just me but i wouldnt mind throwing in more honor points / gem or more gold per gemmed slot if it meant a 100% success rate. Like sure it may take a while to farm more honor points to fully gem your stuff but if it for example spending 4000 honor points for 1 gem and 200g just to slot it meant id get a 100% chance on getting that final gem in, who wouldnt want that? id feel like all that work actually went to good use rather than having ALL the gems blow up and having to start all over again
This may be just me but i wouldnt mind throwing in more honor points / gem or more gold per gemmed slot if it meant a 100% success rate. Like sure it may take a while to farm more honor points to fully gem your stuff but if it for example spending 4000 honor points for 1 gem and 200g just to slot it meant id get a 100% chance on getting that final gem in, who wouldnt want that? id feel like all that work actually went to good use rather than having ALL the gems blow up and having to start all over again
This was all discussed in another thread but the thing is 100% success is no bueno. What everyone was really asking for is a way to not lose previously socketed honor gems. Rates and prices on these gems could be adjusted as seen fit but generally we're not asking for 100% success but rather no loss on our previous successes since thats the biggest kick in the balls
This was all discussed in another thread but the thing is 100% success is no bueno. What everyone was really asking for is a way to not lose previously socketed honor gems. Rates and prices on these gems could be adjusted as seen fit but generally we're not asking for 100% success but rather no loss on our previous successes since thats the biggest kick in the balls
yeah i agree with that too, ive personally spent about 60k honor just to gem my pants and so far ive only got 3 in
I'm actually glad you said that because that is also a heavy factor to consider.

I briefly played on the RU server just to check it out a while ago. The NA crowd is WAY more competitive than RU. Bosses that are getting farmed here took RU months to learn how to do. Things like free farming dgs were not an issue because they didn't even know how to do it correctly.

Because of how much more competitive NA is, the demand for honor gems is much higher. A new player having no gems is much less detrimental on RU than here.

If NA is more competitive it means it's easier and faster on NA to acquire honor points than on RU. It means if RU players didn't have a hard time to receive them, NA should be able to get them even easier.
If NA is more competitive it means it's easier and faster on NA to acquire honor points than on RU. It means if RU players didn't have a hard time to receive them, NA should be able to get them even easier.
No because the honor gains are the same regardless of the version. Open world pvping counts for a very small gain of honor, so it's hard to go based on that.

NA Is more competitive than RU in terms of end game content, and general pvp. As previously explained, in RU it took months to figure out how to do dgs. On NA it took less than a week for us to start killing it. That's the difference between the two.
Imagine, we added all the requested changes. You start the game, and in 1-2 months you enchant armor and weapon for max and insert max gems. All your friends do the same. Now all server have top armor, top weapon and top stuff.
What will you do next? Of course you'll leave the game, as now all the players are at the same level and you have nothing else to reach in game, no more goals.
Would you still be interested in continuing playing? All players will be the same, no differences, no more goals. You'll get bored fast and leave.
@Sparkle I've not been playing for months and just pay my taxes. I doubt I'll ever again touch ArcheAge (edit: to play it actively) but who knows. You could say I'm pretty unbiased right now. Just stumbled upon the link to this thread in the discord I'm still in.

I can 100% gurantee you that in my years in ArcheAge socketing honor gems was one of the most common single reasons for my mates quitting. Sure, in most cases it's a combination of things as guild/friends quitting, regrades failing or boredom but blowing several 100k honor and ending up with nothing, being essentially useless in PvP for some time, made so many call it quits for good. There's no way you can ever be sure the next 100k honor are going to be your last. It burns you out and makes you extremly bitter.

That being said I'm very pleased to see that since I've left you have added 3 custom made community requests. I can just congratulate you for this amazing work.!That's more than TRION ever did for us.
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