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The problem with suggestions and their implementations

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If it's the same, then this situation is worse than I thought. NA dropped off significantly in players if it's the same population as a 9 month server. This is concerning.

RU population has greatly increased recently due to the new global update they've got.
While I do agree that the system has always been rough on the unlucky there is always a way around it. The AH sells items with max gems now and then. Use that and work on a second. All these changes will lead to one main problem, one Trion faced... a buncha overgeared unkillable people fighting overgeared unkillable people and THAT is totally effin boring. The two slot success is great, for anything be it honor or made/ah gems. New players can mine and make a profit or farm seabugs or do many other things. Many areas of the game have free to use houses to generate gold and btw I failed at trying to get that all in one place for months due to greedy or selfish people but I didn't quit, I just kept on, then I wanted all the bonuses once I had all the land setup and houses built. I worked on them and friends helped and we did it. That's a goal btw for those that do not know. Start to a finish. The game gives new players the ability to generate gold... skateboards, haulers from GR and so forth. From there you can in the safety of your own unattackable zone make decent gold to buy something you are not lucky enough to get in the RNG system.

Play the game, when things fail change your plan and keep going,
The rng-gear problem(and the new player) can be resolved by making the hasla event into what the original idea was: a grinding spot where you can get luckys and weapons.

It does not need to be an event, as AA has plenty of them already but a mob grinding spot(which is something AA is lacking tbh) would be appreciated.
The rng-gear problem(and the new player) can be resolved by making the hasla event into what the original idea was: a grinding spot where you can get luckys and weapons.

It does not need to be an event, as AA has plenty of them already but a mob grinding spot(which is something AA is lacking tbh) would be appreciated.

Why do new players need luckies? Explain to me why a new person in the game should shoot to 55, gear up and have this endless supply of luckies? Celestial gear, easily obtained is only 10% less powerful than divine. 10% and for that CHANCE at 10% people are paying almost double what the gear costs for one shot at it. There is no real RNG problem, it's people lack of the legit ability to realize at a casino you don't always win and you can take a bit more gold and buy the same thing.



This is a bow I made, from illustrious all by myself. It likes to fail, today it failed again. Don't need to come on the forum and request all the changes to the game to make it easier. I can simply save another 3.5/4k gold and try again.
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All these changes will lead to one main problem, one Trion faced... a buncha overgeared unkillable people fighting overgeared unkillable people and THAT is totally effin boring.

I would argue yes and no. I wont touch on the luckies and such other than the more luckies in the game would increase the chance of there being more divine stuff for sale at a reasonable price. This would lead to more people getting halfway decent things. There is also the chance of whales getting even nicer things so this is a double edged sword.

With the honor gem socketing thing we kinda run into the same issue. However, on this hand it is the lucky vs unlucky. You NEED these gems to PVP at any sort of efficiency. I'm sure you know this. Even though it is true that we can buy pre-gemmed gear, there is not enough to supply near enough people. The proposed solution was to make a refined honor gem type that has a reduced success rate, increase cost of 1.5 or 2 times and doesn't cause previous gems to blow up. This is where people are confused on their stance that it would make things "too easy". The gems have a lower rate (which makes them harder to socket obviously) they are more expensive (theres the honor sink problem taken care of) and they would not blow up your previous gems (oh damn, I still have to gamble but I don't make myself useless in PVP for the next X amount of days/weeks). We would still be relying on luck to get our stuff socketed but without the bullshit of becoming gimped for Lord knows how long.

Spending weeks/months worth of work only to have it torn from you in an instant is a shitty feeling, but it's gambling. The difference is that Gambling on something that is REQUIRED is straight bologna. Rates on regrades should not be touched. You do not NEED a full epic buff and legendary weapon to pvp. However you DO need at least soft cap on Focus (as a melee player you feel every single point of this), toughness, and resilience. Without these you are an even bigger joke to players with amazing gear.

Having your characters usefulness and survivability constantly shifting is not fun and players should have an option to not be punished for required mechanics.
Spending weeks/months worth of work only to have it torn from you in an instant is a shitty feeling, but it's gambling. The difference is that Gambling on something that is REQUIRED is straight bologna.
I played most of this week having a blast doing many different things like farming for gold, selling item on the AH for gold, trading packs for gold and some PvP vs a few of those boogeymen you speak of, in less cared about gear and gems and it worked out fine. Except when you go near Goldenvold Trailer Park in the Sea of Archer Cheese. But that is to be expected and it is also like life... going to be that way. So I will have to fully disagree with you on anything in the game being required.

P.S. I forgot I fished another 20-30 fish for trophies to place all over my houses.
Why do new players need luckies? Explain to me why a new person in the game should shoot to 55, gear up and have this endless supply of luckies? Celestial gear, easily obtained is only 10% less powerful than divine. 10% and for that CHANCE at 10% people are paying almost double what the gear costs for one shot at it. There is no real RNG problem, it's people lack of the legit ability to realize at a casino you don't always win and you can take a bit more gold and buy the same thing.

Was talking about the weapons which would be great for new players, and the luckys is to prevent 10% of the server to shit on the rest because of their superior gear(got lucky in a casino).
So I will have to fully disagree with you on anything in the game being required.
Just remember some people have different ways of having fun.Just because you play differently and enjoy it does not mean others will have fun the same way. Some people play this game strictly for the PVP so when their means of having fun is so RNG based it can be really discouraging to keep playing after so many losses. Just because it is not a big concern to you does not mean it should not be addressed.

I'll rephrase what I mean about gems being required. They are REQUIRED to be competitive. Not required to have fun. Though losing because someone can 1 shot you due to your lack of toughness and resilience isn't fun either.
I played most of this week having a blast doing many different things like farming for gold, selling item on the AH for gold, trading packs for gold and some PvP vs a few of those boogeymen you speak of, in less cared about gear and gems and it worked out fine. Except when you go near Goldenvold Trailer Park in the Sea of Archer Cheese. But that is to be expected and it is also like life... going to be that way. So I will have to fully disagree with you on anything in the game being required.

P.S. I forgot I fished another 20-30 fish for trophies to place all over my houses.
I think we're talking about 'entry level requirements' to all the activities people take part in, in-game. There are vocational activities, fishing for example required a fishing rod and bait worms to get started, the higher end of that activity in-game being a fishing boat, very little RNG (until you get to the components). Farming to any degree is ever expanding your land as a land baron (not much RNG there). Trading, again you progress to a farm hauler with no RNG or gambling, or risk unless you decided to enter a dangerous zone, which is where 'entry level requirements' for pvp come into play. How can you compare the freedom to do whatever you want in the game to the deficit that we see with gear simply based on the slotting of resilience and toughness? I just don't see it tbh.
There is no real RNG problem, it's people lack of the legit ability to realize at a casino you don't always win and you can take a bit more gold and buy the same thing.

You're talking to several people here who have spent (or been with someone who has spent) a quarter of a million honor on gemming things and gotten nowhere. These stories are repeated over and over and over, all over the internet, not just this server.

Celestial gear, easily obtained is only 10% less powerful than divine. 10% and for that CHANCE at 10% people are paying almost double what the gear costs for one shot at it.


Item stats (hardly the determining factor in power) is 10% difference between Celestial and Divine. The difference between Celestial and Divine on Item Damage and Defense is 15%. The difference between Celestial and Epic is 30% on damage and defense. That is massive. And it only gets worse as you go up. If you're super inhumanly impossibly lucky like someone who got 3 legendaries back to back in 10 seconds recently, you have gained a 45% damage or defense advantage over everyone else.

It's nothing about your skill at the game, by the way. It's about an RNG advantage. You got lucky (probably because you swiped a lot), so now you win. And it's not just the one time. It's every time. Until you come across someone who go luckier than you (or who swiped a lot and bought his stuff from the guy who got lucky), you're going to keep winning. It's the definition of p2w.

That whole system has its issues, but the honor system has some severe problems with it, also. You have to grind honor on your own and use your own honor. That has a time gate built in. You are limited on how much honor you can get in a day. So, every time you blow up your gems in your gear (which is going to happen over and over and over and over and over), you are looking at the situation like this:

"I built up this much honor X number of times in the past. It took N days to do that. Now I have to face starting over from scratch and looking at N more days before I have a CHANCE at pvp'ing again."

X = the number of times you blew up all of your gems and burned through all of your honor.

N = the number of days it took to get the honor.

And N again is the number of days you have to grind more to get to try again, after putting in some pitiful amount of gems just to get by. Until you break those too because screw you. You don't get anything.

And then they quit. Because maybe they don't have another get-up-and-go in them after failing for months to do something just to have fun in the game.

If you don't recognize a problem with this system, one of the following must be true:

- You are a whale and you don't want to lose your advantage.

- You have friends with extra honor who will help you gem your stuff and you don't want to lose your advantage.

- You got really lucky and you don't want to lose your advantage.
I appreciate them meeting us halfway on a lot of suggestions. I do think Toughness and Resilience are too important to maintain a healthy PVPing populace to leave up to chance - however they're not wrong that fast tracking is a ticket to boredom.
I appreciate them meeting us halfway on a lot of suggestions. I do think Toughness and Resilience are too important to maintain a healthy PVPing populace to leave up to chance - however they're not wrong that fast tracking is a ticket to boredom.

Please explain how the proposed system does anything in allowing players to "fast track" their way to endgame. All it offers is less headache and character gimping unless something has gone over my head.

The proposed solution was to make a refined honor gem type that has a reduced success rate, increase cost of 1.5 or 2 times and doesn't cause previous gems to blow up. This is where people are confused on their stance that it would make things "too easy". The gems have a lower rate (which makes them harder to socket obviously) they are more expensive (theres the honor sink problem taken care of) and they would not blow up your previous gems (oh damn, I still have to gamble but I don't make myself useless in PVP for the next X amount of days/weeks). We would still be relying on luck to get our stuff socketed but without the bullshit of becoming gimped for Lord knows how long.
Omg tbh I & II sockets be unbreakable, would be amazing. Not a complete overkill, and actually helps people like my friend who is 50/50 on fence about quitting over suffering through what he just went through, pretty sure its recorded aswell im sure he will post it soon.
Only on honor gems. I like the first 2 not failing for other gems, to create a balance.
@Sparkle you are losing more players than you are gaining, this game isn't all about gearing and people are not going to leave because they are endgame gear, there are shitload stuff to do other than gearing all day long for a year, new stuff keeps coming out new rng boxes weekly for stuff to work for. People aren't asking you to hand out mythic gear but your policies are being too much right now, so many people that I personally know don't want to commit to a private server that requires this amount of time but could also close tomorrow, you are asking for so much commitment for the fact that the server is so far unstable, no normal donations, huge delays during siege, people randomly crashing, etc. I'm not saying these are your fault but you should take those into consideration before expecting players to commit for months for something uncertain like this.

And once again I repeat you don't have to hand out mythic gear, but you should also ease stuff up, literally everything on this game is rng it's kind of annoying. You can't get bored on this game there are 120 classes to try, so many different gear to get, there's no actual endgame gear, but it's up to you, either let more people leave or triple the population, you can tell which one is more profitable to you eitherway.
I dont care about any of these honor changes we can have world bosses dropping luckies but we cant get a DAMN SPORT FISHING BUFF. All because BOTS are gonna be able to abuse it? why not remove coin purses I see bots abusing that all the time? Lets just nerf all the coinpurses to stop the bots from being able to farm them theres already a 2x modifier on drop rates and its far easier for a bot to farm purses than to go out on the seas sail around find himself a little fishing spot and hope to god no one comes by and kills him blows up his boat and takes his fish. If you die while farming purses you just respawn and run back but FISHING???? Thats the problem??? Tfw you are killing your own server by gating off playstyles. @Ryuzaki @Sparkle
Hi, jumping on the train with everyone about gemming chest/legs blows.
Just spammed some gems and highest I ended up with is 4 and now I'm back to 1 until I farm more honor. Grinding to end up with less than where I started gets pretty annoying after a while. Especially when I'm already trying to play catch up with everyone having 1k+ more gs than me.

Also, the new Hasla event should just be a constant mob farm like the old Hasla tokens imo.
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