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Veteren boxes?

It's kind of just illogical for them to sort of act like they don't quite value their active nonpaying players as much as others, we're really quite important for server health, just like in any other mmo.

However, question - if I donate now for the first time can I get the soulmare box?
It's kind of just illogical for them to sort of act like they don't quite value their active nonpaying players as much as others, we're really quite important for server health, just like in any other mmo.

However, question - if I donate now for the first time can I get the soulmare box?

personally i would think, no. but if i were you i would @Sparkle to your post and see what they say.
This is crap.

You are giving the best rewards to the people who quit on you. You think they are going to stick around now? No, they will end up quitting, just like before.
This just puts a sour taste in the mouths of your veteran players, who have stuck by your side through all the up's and down's.

Login badges shouldn't even be in there. Its a reward for being dedicated to the gd server, every day. Not a "quitting until 3.0" reward for the unfaithful.
Does it make more sense to you, to give more tokens to those who already have existing tokens from logging in, if this is built to be an incentive for returning players?
What if I just registered a week or two ago, donated and been active ever since, does that make me less valuable than the guys who quit long time ago with just the same amount of play time as me? Because I think it looks like that based on the list of rewards.
I have one complaint about the follower regular chest vs the Homecoming follower chest. If these mounts are permanent why is it that the returning players get a much better mount (The soulmule) when the people who have been constantly playing the game get a pretty useless mount (the Pegasus)

These are just my opinions but it think the people who have been playing more should get the soulmule instead of the Pegasus.

Personally I like the Pegasus and I am glad we are getting it but I do see your point where all of the other packages are offering the soulmule except the regular chest. The donation system as it is, is tricky to navigate through and I really hope that some other way to donate will come up soon. Because of that it made it difficult to be able to donate, so we can buy the chests, to get the mounts. The credit prices kind of prove this. Maybe the staff will reconsider and give everyone the soulmule mount.
Personally I like the Pegasus and I am glad we are getting it but I do see your point where all of the other packages are offering the soulmule except the regular chest. The donation system as it is, is tricky to navigate through and I really hope that some other way to donate will come up soon. Because of that it made it difficult to be able to donate, so we can buy the chests, to get the mounts. The credit prices kind of prove this. Maybe the staff will reconsider and give everyone the soulmule mount.

They could give everyone the same box, so everyone gets the mounts.
Maybe people will feel equally "valued" then, as well. It would appease me.
They could give everyone the same box, so everyone gets the mounts.
Maybe people will feel equally "valued" then, as well. It would appease me.

Some of the stuff given to returning players does not bother me like the extra labor potions because we were getting 3 of them for free, once a week for the login rewards if you clicked on the calendar. The pre-built cottage kit also does not bother me either since anyone who wanted cottage could get one for 15 guilda stars and they weren't expensive to build. In the long run the people who played more got most of the things on the list and then some if they were active. The mounts on the other hand are harder to get, so I can see people getting upset over that.
My opinion here is that people are too wrapped up in "winning" a game that you can never "win". It's obvious that they want to bring old players back to keep server population up. Giving them some nice bonuses is not going to make anyone "lose". They are not getting anything game breaking and to be honest the stealth horse thing will probably wind up in a loot box in the near future anyways. Just have fun playing. If you get wrapped up in "being the best" you're never going enjoy your time in the game and eventually will just quit in a fit of rage along with a nice forum post explaining your first world problem to garner sympathy towards your new found hatred for the server.

Also consider the way you voice discontent. No one is going to give a screaming toddler the toy they want off the shelf in the store if they have any clue. It only invites more and more of that unwanted behavior. (Thats not directed at anyone here. But you see the posts pop up on the forums every now and then). For example, look at the day light savings change request. Nice polite request with reasoning and the solution got what they wanted. 'please
Just bear in mind that Bless is releasing in about a month and whether you like it or not thousands of MMO players will be dropping their current long in the tooth MMO and be engaged for at least a quarter with Bless. Yes, some will stay and some will leave that is for sure.
However there's no doubt that Bless is on almost all vet players minds atm. So I fail to see how this compensation secures the loyalty of the longstanding, current players.
Just bear in mind that Bless is releasing in about a month and whether you like it or not thousands of MMO players will be dropping their current long in the tooth MMO and be engaged for at least a quarter with Bless. Yes, some will stay and some will leave that is for sure.
However there's no doubt that Bless is on almost all vet players minds atm. So I fail to see how this compensation secures the loyalty of the longstanding, current players.

I think that would greatly depend on how much the devs are going to charge for the services and boots and how difficult is it going to be to obtain certain things without using the services and boosts. There might be a catch somewhere. I think we all remember how well the "no tricks, no traps" thingy worked for Trino.
I think that would greatly depend on how much the devs are going to charge for the services and boots and how difficult is it going to be to obtain certain things without using the services and boosts. There might be a catch somewhere. I think we all remember how well the "no tricks, no traps" thingy worked for Trino.

Yeah, they have their work cut out for sure.
Why no soulmule in veteran box? All boxes have that mount except the players that keep the server alive. xD Ok returning players get more gifts im fine with that, i just dont get it why ALL boxes have the soulmule except the active players. Feels like they get rewarded for not playing. Im missing something here?
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I agree, if all but one of the chest is getting a soulmule then the one left out should as well, why should a returning player who hasn't donated get something like that over a player who has been playing and hasn't donated as well, makes no sense to me.
oops didn't create this forum to start drama lol, I was just simply curious on the boxes, I see where the returning players get more.. more or less not 100% on board with it they quit and get rewarded for quitting but its to give them incentive to come back I suppose, I wasn't expecting anything at all so I won't bitch about it :D
Its not about winning, or even getting an advantage. Its about the long ass slow grind this game is.
The quitters are getting rewarded with currency items that the loyal players had to slowly grind for. We had to be dedicated to events, dedicated to the server, dedicated to a gd schedule to get these currencies.

150 merit badges!?
150 warrior medals?!
3 login badges?!
5000 extra labor?!

You are giving them to the quitters. Why not give them to everybody?