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Other Point to the Zone States would be Reducing the Amount of Mobs to be killed to get it to Conflict, so its Player Controlled but makes it a bit less a pain in the ass
How about a new inventory storage chest (possible name: Captain's Chest) that's dedicated to ship equipment? It could have items like cannons, trade pack storage, figureheads, sails, ship equipment designs, ship component regrade scrolls, Shipwright's Design Bags, and so on.
Im interested in a chest for archuem/alchemy/talisman items at least maybe call it "alchemist's chest"

Next suggestion is regarding item repair, instead of gold why not have it cost labor to repair gear
If its not possible remove item durability degradation entirely...

Another note is maybe revert all of these changes , if socketing could be free itd put alot of ease on people switching gems and stuff
  • Equipment repair costs have been increased. Higher ranked items will require more money for repairs.
  • Durability on items now decreases faster when players are attacked or attack others.
  • Lunagem socketing costs have been increased.
I dont see the harm for this unless the gold was going somewhere special we dont know about :)

A suggestion for quality of life is maybe add a menu in inventory that opens up to the archeage codex so we have access to search anything ingame without having to open up a browser. Unsure if thats even possible to implement but if possible, theres my suggestion for it
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A suggestion for quality of life is maybe add a menu in inventory that opens up to the archeage codex so we have access to search anything ingame without having to open up a browser. Unsure if thats even possible to implement but if possible, theres my suggestion for it
I like this idea too
Make a way to leave wonderland similar to mirage island, with a button in the top right of the screen. We can't port out of wonderland and have no choice but to go back through the original portal or maybe recall(havent tested this tho).
Make a way to leave wonderland similar to mirage island, with a button in the top right of the screen. We can't port out of wonderland and have no choice but to go back through the original portal or maybe recall(havent tested this tho).

Recall works, can confirm. Allow memory embers to be used inside Wonderland as well, if possible, or maybe add a few extra portals around the island, same as in mirage.
Make a way to leave wonderland similar to mirage island, with a button in the top right of the screen. We can't port out of wonderland and have no choice but to go back through the original portal or maybe recall(havent tested this tho).
Well, it was designed that way, so you had to use a portal on the middle island to port in and out. But we'll add a button, so you can leave it from any part of Wonderland.
How about a new inventory storage chest (possible name: Captain's Chest) that's dedicated to ship equipment? It could have items like cannons, trade pack storage, figureheads, sails, ship equipment designs, ship component regrade scrolls, Shipwright's Design Bags, and so on.
We'll consider adding such.
Could you re-assess the locked golden crate drop rate for the shadow invasion world bosses? (Goretusk/Blightshade/Hanure etc) Its very hard convincing ppl to do them anymore and the time invested and risk chance associated (notifcation sent serverwide when killed) with doing them are high for them to not have a 100% gold crate drop rate I feel. Sucks to do the whole tour and only end up with a couple gold chests for 45 mins work. Maybe 100% drop on the main boss, then 50% on the shadow boss followups or something? You guys prolly could select the specifics better than I, but theres so many things to draw ppl to do other activities and these are just no longer worth it for ppl which is shame cause they can result in fun pvp encounters and can be a nice break from other daily chores
Make a bot that integrates with the forums or discord that posts what blue salt bond material quests are available and the corresponding locations each day at reset
This isn’t a suggestion for in game content but rather for advertising.

Feedback is welcome and appreciated.

I think discord could be a good medium to advertise the server/project. Instead of having one-off promotions, why not have an ongoing advertisement giveaway?

Many of the players here are still in old discords related to other archeage servers they played, or even just servers for other games. People trust the word of their friends and acquaintances, at least a lot more than finding someone’s random YouTube video about the server.

Within the official discord, Admins can host a daily/weekly/monthly raffle giveaway of credits for individuals that have their discord custom status set to an advertisement for the server, for example:

“Try ArcheRage, the best ArcheAge server today! <link to server website or discord>“
^ this is just a rough draft and could definitely be improved.

You could even create a custom ‘referral’ url/link for people to put in their status, that way you could easily track the activity generated by this promotion.

I suggest creating a discord bot that monitors everyone’s custom status in the official discord, if a user’s custom status matches the advertisement string, they will be entered in the raffles.

In order to claim the prize you will have to enter a discord command with your ingame name, admins can spot check this to ensure fairness.

These numbers can be adjusted but I think each day there could be a giveaway of XXX credits to 5 people. Each week XXXX credits, XXX to 10 people. Each month XXXXX credits, XXXX to 20 people.
Regarding this why not introduce invite links for creating an account and on them getting to a character to lvl 55 and confirming on discord, the player who owns the link gets some amount of credits

Any response for the inventory chest for archeum?
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Can hereafter rebellion get a once over on tuning? healer npc's auto focus enemies/other npc's instead of the main player in the dungeon, and some of the mobs are egregiously buggy. It's seriously just a frustrating encounter due to how it was designed. Also after chatting to a lot of people. apparently healer rolls are much to common on the soul guardian-liberator neck, including mine. and so far its been near everyone ive talked to about the neck. perhaps its bugged?
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Can hereafter rebellion get a once over on tuning? healer npc's auto focus enemies/other npc's instead of the main player in the dungeon, and some of the mobs are egregiously buggy. It's seriously just a frustrating encounter due to how it was designed. Also after chatting to a lot of people. apparently healer rolls are much to common on the soul guardian-liberator neck, including mine. and so far its been near everyone ive talked to about the neck. perhaps its bugged?
also increase the scrolls or make one drop at 500. its so frustrating to do this dungeon only once a day. and then something in the dungeon bug out and ruin your run. Or add resets to it? live had a system where you could spend like 3k honor to reset it. please something. its so frustrating to do this dungeon with how buggy and crap it is
also increase the scrolls or make one drop at 500. its so frustrating to do this dungeon only once a day. and then something in the dungeon bug out and ruin your run. Or add resets to it? live had a system where you could spend like 3k honor to reset it. please something. its so frustrating to do this dungeon with how buggy and crap it is
so this response was due into being told that if you die, you cannot get 600 rewards, which isnt true. the instance should always reward you with rank 6 if you hit 600 points regardless of dying. so i dont know why people are being told by staff that dying wont allow you to get rank 6 rewards? it doesnt make sense. i died during my run, and still obtained 600 and found i still got a rank 6.
so this response was due into being told that if you die, you cannot get 600 rewards, which isnt true. the instance should always reward you with rank 6 if you hit 600 points regardless of dying. so i dont know why people are being told by staff that dying wont allow you to get rank 6 rewards? it doesnt make sense. i died during my run, and still obtained 600 and found i still got a rank 6.
We have never said dying prevents getting rank 6 rewards from Hereafter rebellion.
We have never said dying prevents getting rank 6 rewards from Hereafter rebellion.
Hello :)

we all know in every Weekly Patch we get some Changes, some of them nobody asked anywhere about it and after long texting it comes out that it was a Suggestion in a privat DM.
So whats about that we got here a Suggestion Thread for Weekly Changes and i would say if something should be changed it should be asked here! Not in a DM and not without a Discussion of the Community. Dont know if the Dev/Sparkle are happy about to fuck up 98% of the Community with Changes nobody asked about and only 2% are "happy" with that. So every change that should be done should be noted in this Thread!

No Private DM Changes, no Changes without the Eyes of the Community thats my proposal and addressed directly to the administrators as proposal.
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