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Account banned for no reason

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It seems the "actual" reason is the same for everyone: Breaking in-game rules

That's what it says on my account panel. It doesn't really make anything clear.
They aren't going to give you a detailed reason. It's going to be generic and if it's justifiable when you appeal they will be more detailed.
haha. yeah I have had about 5 different messages so far when attempting login. this is the most recent one https://puu.sh/ysDjJ/5df1b51432.png
Abnormal gameplay detected.

What? :D
My account was also banned from logging I did not use any hacker nor mod fov after the update gave this in many accounts my entire guild was forbidden to enter
when they will fix this problem ???
getting banned for no reason and random message keep poping when i try to log i s not best thing to see today
Banned as well, only thing that's happened to me was being flagged by idiots while mining with buffs on. Is this GG for me? All that work to get so far and then banned for mining??
well, hope they have an explanation for this joke
everytime i tried login its give you different reason


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TRASH SERVER, cant expect much from 2 admins trying to run a server with more then 2k population. stop donating you idiots.
Suspended for making false allucations....only reported 2 known land hackers...seems someone disagree with me and 90% of those who saw those 2 hacking...
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