Is it possible to make the chests that proc from Miraculous Race chests not require keys? It would suck if you already did your keys and used them all and you were getting procs.
Is it possible to make the chests that proc from Miraculous Race chests not require keys? It would suck if you already did your keys and used them all and you were getting procs.
That is how it should be. Bonus chests will still require keys. Bonus chests just let you spend less time on searching for the chests during the day. General number of Chests With Wonders player can open don't change.
That's because grade was changed on new pieces. That will not affect the item craft when you have required number of the pieces, even if grades are different.
We'll update old pieces to have a new grade, so players could stack them.
Since the rewards for the Abode got updated, we've been killing it regularly and we have run into a few problems.
1. Stuck after porting
Some people take the portal after picking up the quest and get stuck in the docks with no way to get out other than exiting and re-entering, after which they could possible get stuck again when they take the portal a second time. We're not sure what triggers it.
2. Random teleports
People randomly get teleported when boats die or when the boss dies.
For example, I once got teleported high into the air after the boss died and my boat despawned, then died to fall damage myself while loading.
Others get ported back to the docks when a boat dies, only when they are shooting cannons, and today some even missed the quest entirely due to the boat dying right before the boss did, and them being teleported out of quest completion range.
On another note, can anything be done about boats getting stuck in a rotating loop? Beyblade boat
would like to report another bug... I just fished 49 bottles with notes but my achievement hasn't updated since the last time I fished and it stopped at 219 then.
would like to report another bug... I just fished 49 bottles with notes but my achievement hasn't updated since the last time I fished and it stopped at 219 then.
Can't reproduce such bug. Without reproducing and knowing what's causing it - not possible to fix.
Will see what can be done hereto avoid such happening.
Can't reproduce such bug. Without reproducing and knowing what's causing it - not possible to fix.
Will see what can be done hereto avoid such happening.
I have definitely had this happen at least twice, and a friend of mine has had it happen once and the only common factor I can see is that we're all Dwarves, so I'm unsure if that has something to do with it?