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There are many items that should be storable in the chests that can be purchased from the market place that currently do not work. Examples:
Alchemist chest:
  • All pigments (small leaf, small root, soft stem, scented petal)
  • All oils ( Opaque polish, rough polish, non-stick polish, rainbow polish)
Farmer's large chest:
  • Worm compost
  • Hay bale
Spacious Animal Breeder's Chest
  • Livestock Supplement
Will look into it.
Don't know if it's a good place for quality of life suggestion but I drop that here :
with the currents events on West faction during some halcy / RD we get spammed from instance quick vote. The idea is to get a functionnality to auto-decline instance kick vote such as party / raid invites ...
Oof so it's basically either have to be in one raid, or have all the lowbies be alive for boss? That's a tough choice tbh... I don't think I can make a decision for that.
Changed it, so quest would count for such players as well.
  • Guardian of Reedwind
  • Diamond Shores Guardian
  • Guardian of Exeloch
  • Guardian of Sungold FIelds
These quests don't change in the closest game versions and still require same amount as in the current patch.
Don't know if it's a good place for quality of life suggestion but I drop that here :
with the currents events on West faction during some halcy / RD we get spammed from instance quick vote. The idea is to get a functionnality to auto-decline instance kick vote such as party / raid invites ...
We cannot implement such a system. However if the votes are becoming disruptive you can drag the window off screen.
When the vote times out it'll consider you a vote for no and delay people issuing another vote,
These quests don't change in the closest game versions and still require same amount as in the current patch.
But they were changed in later game versions specifically because the weekly overload became a bit much after Akasch was introduced, and they eventually changed it due to feedback of such. It's even worse in this case, because it makes gear progression harder for people at lower levels who need those quests, vs the later quests for higher gear progression having fewer mobs. One of the long ongoing standing complaints of this game is the grind, and this helps obviate it somewhat. I.e., you're still required to grind out 100 mob kills, but at least it takes half the time.
It seems natural that, with the recent update of being able to put alchemy oils in the alchemy chest, that small seed, emulsified, and deeply colored oil should also be able to go in alongside their counterparts.
Would it be possible to add a way to favorite titles, and be able to sort them by favorites? just would be a nice quality of life.
It seems natural that, with the recent update of being able to put alchemy oils in the alchemy chest, that small seed, emulsified, and deeply colored oil should also be able to go in alongside their counterparts.
Please specify all exact items in question, not just examples.
Hello @Sparkle Can we update these lovely furniture early?😍







also, is this possible?
Can we lift the height limit of residential decoration?or unify the highest decorative position of all residences?
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Would it be possible to add a way to favorite titles, and be able to sort them by favorites? just would be a nice quality of life.

I already requested it once and it's not possible. Last time someone else asked I suggested maybe a sort of skillsaver type thing for titles but didn't get a response to that sadly.
Please specify all exact items in question, not just examples.
Those were all the exact items in question. Well, I think I forgot to mention viscous.
You recently allowed the first two rows of these into the alchemy chest:


But neglected the bottom row, which are clearly the same item type. I assume it's just because it was Torvin's suggestion to include them (also mine ages ago :p) and they may have forgotten to mention these particular oils in their request.

Small Seed Oil, Viscous Glossy Oil, Emulsified Oil, Deeply Colored Oil.
Those were all the exact items in question. Well, I think I forgot to mention viscous.
You recently allowed the first two rows of these into the alchemy chest:

View attachment 22062

But neglected the bottom row, which are clearly the same item type. I assume it's just because it was Torvin's suggestion to include them (also mine ages ago :p) and they may have forgotten to mention these particular oils in their request.

Small Seed Oil, Viscous Glossy Oil, Emulsified Oil, Deeply Colored Oil.
I don't need screenshot of the items icons. I needed the items names.
Small Seed Oil, Viscous Glossy Oil, Emulsified Oil, Deeply Colored Oil that you listed in your post, will be added next week.
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Would it be possible to add the 'Frozen Snowflower Pipe' to the marketplace for a week? For the artistry folks, it's nearly impossible to get but it's one of the best instruments for playing music in the game. Thank you!
Would it be possible to add a way to favorite titles, and be able to sort them by favorites? just would be a nice quality of life.

Kakao added something similar recently, so hopefully we can get it too...

  • Added a feature for searching titles.
    • We added a search feature to the title UI as there was feedback that the large number of titles made it difficult to search a specific title.
      • Searching rules: primary rule - "titles that your character has," secondary rule - "titles that your character does not have"
      • When there is no title that matches your search, the "No search results." message will be displayed.
      • Use the category option button from Title List to categorize the titles according to quest, achievement, shop, or other. You may only search a title that is related to the selected category.
Hey !
I would highly recommend a Chest for Crates and Purses like the Mount, Alchemy, Car Chests.
They take so much space in the otherworlds chests / bank :D

If this suggestion will be accepted make sure that u can improve the Space of the chest like with the others!



  • Rich Mans Chest.png
    Rich Mans Chest.png
    50.7 KB · Views: 60