Dear Community!
Today we are pleased to introduce a new way of communication with the ArcheRage Administration – Ticket System.
This system was implemented to help you easier get in touch with Administration regarding your questions and concerns. You’ll not need to search for the proper section on the forum to post your question, report or appeal anymore, but will just need to create a ticket and expect for your reply.
Ticket System includes the following categories:
- Ban Appeal (to Appeal regarding the ban on your in-game account)
- Bug report (report in-game issues that are/maybe considered a bug)
- Player report (report a player you suspect in cheating, hacking, gold selling, players insult, harassment, etc)
- Suggestion (your ideas and thoughts are always welcomed)
- Question (you have any question – choose this category)
You can create and keep 5 active (opened) tickets in total. As soon as your old tickets are closed you can create new ones. Total of opened tickets maximum will still be limited to 5.
The Reports & Ban Appeals section you’ve previously used for report is going to be closed for further postings shortly today. All already posted reports are going to be checked and replied there. Further concerns should be forwarded through the Ticket System
The private messages for IronLady, Sparkle and LightSeeker are disabled from today as well. All messages that were sent by the players are going to be replied within 24 hours. Forward your further questions through the Ticket System, we’ll be glad to take care of them and bring the reply.
Ticket system is for your Communication with Administration only.
If you have questions to our Elders you can continue posting your requests using Contact Moderators forum.
Please follow the link to the Ticket System Guide:
Feel free to post your further questions if any. We’ll be happy to Assist