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Could there be an event or system where if a player hasn't logged into the game for over 2 weeks, their lands automatically disappear, even if they pre-paid taxes? It's disappointing to see so much land that is claimed but empty, no crops, and pre-paid taxes in advance.
No. That defeats the point of prepaying taxes
Hey there,

Would it be possible to change the traders day and fishers day events a little bit?

Currently, you only get credit for completing traders day if you actually crafted the packs. I don't craft packs, but I tend to turn a lot of them in. It'd be nice if I could get rewarded for that effort. I know that there are several guilds who have "guild packs" that one person in their guild crafts for them to run (to increase the chances of a green proc and as a way to spend that person's labor if they don't have something else to spend it on) so other people are likely in the same position here.

Also I'm not sure what the current behavior is, but I suspect that fish turned into decor items don't count toward fishers day award credit. Can that be adjusted if it's not already that way?


I am not sure if anything changed but I just want to say that I used to do the Saturday Falcorth to Ynystere Traders Day every week and it did not matter who crafted the pack, just who delivered it. I crafted a lot of packs to share with my friends and also have been on the receiving end as well and it did not matter who crafted the packs. Again, I am not sure if something has changed since I stopped doing the runs, but if so I hope they can fix it!
Could there be an event or system where if a player hasn't logged into the game for over 2 weeks, their lands automatically disappear, even if they pre-paid taxes? It's disappointing to see so much land that is claimed but empty, no crops, and pre-paid taxes in advance.

That's not going to work. People get busy. i agree that it's annoying. Where i'm at, the majority of the area is the same person and i'd be certain, an alt. Nothing used, nothing planted, some not even built and no furnishings or anything. Especially with active players but demoing because they have too many useless plots still wouldn't be right.
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Could there be an event or system where if a player hasn't logged into the game for over 2 weeks, their lands automatically disappear, even if they pre-paid taxes? It's disappointing to see so much land that is claimed but empty, no crops, and pre-paid taxes in advance.
Dude stop playing the game
All mounts speed varies depending on other skills in between 10 m/s and 11.5 m/s. Speed is based on other mounts abilities. Mounts with better skills get less speed and mounts with higher speed have not that good skills. For example deer mounts have high speed but not the best skills, racing zebra is a racing one, it's supposed to be fast, but tiger mount has a speed of 10 m/s only butvery good skills. You can't say it's a bad mount due to it's lower speed.
Previous mounts from the boxes had different speed as well. There were mounts with 10 m/s, with 11 m/s and with 11.5 m/s.
So why the recent mounts from rng boxes (the deers) are 11.5, and got the best abilities? They got speed, invincibility, and ongoing stealth which is not that easy to notice as you say, meanwhile a Ghostmare stealth removes as it moves (and only a 10.0 mount). Change Ghostmare ability to remain while moving? Why a racing zebra which got in its name "racing" is only 11.0? And even that zebra combines the best of both world with being a deer/horse mix.
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I am not sure if anything changed but I just want to say that I used to do the Saturday Falcorth to Ynystere Traders Day every week and it did not matter who crafted the pack, just who delivered it. I crafted a lot of packs to share with my friends and also have been on the receiving end as well and it did not matter who crafted the packs. Again, I am not sure if something has changed since I stopped doing the runs, but if so I hope they can fix it!

No changes were made in there.
Mounts speed will not be changed and will remain the same as originally implemented.
Suggestion: This suggestion might be a long stretch, however, I think it would really help the server and help make more players want to try out this server specifically.

This actually has to do with adding a use to ArcheAge's dead content. (Dungeons)

I feel like what can help this game out a lot and this server stand out is actually adding incentive to do things other than farm gold, by adding grades of gear that someone would actually want to use, drop in the world. Adding this type of stuff is actually great for the game as someone can actually get something that shows how much they played or worked for. (Things like the dream ring/ayanad earring questlines are great examples of this)

What I mean by this is adding rare drops in Serpentis, Mistsong etc. for the sets of gear that already drop in there to actually drop higher grades of gear at multiple % chances. Doing this would make farming dungeons and partying together an extremely popular thing to do.

Ex. Camilla, Lerma, Fangbow, Siroth, Dochul, Sojung, Aria
These are all Serpentis and Mistsong bosses, add a chance for these bosses to drop a piece of Divine dungeon gear (10%) and maybe a 1-3% chance to drop an Epic piece. One piece per run/boss kill out of all the sets.

There are multiple pieces of gear that drop from Serpentis and normal mode Mistsong that casual players can run over and over again. And make the chances rare enough scattered across all the sets of gear that it actually takes time to obtain a full set. This way players can get divine sets and maybe even a few epic pieces of gear from running these a lot.

This should be a simple thing to do and don't see how it can affect the server if you just make the high graded items that drop untradable and un-regradable.

Just tossing ideas out that come to me on the spot, cheers! :D

It's not difficult to complete Dungeons, even with a few players only. Mobs and bosses are not too strong. If we include better rewards, weapon of top grades, we'll need to increase the strength of bosses and other dungeons' mobs. In dungeon you can receive start items that you need in long and complicated questline that needs a lot of time and resources to be put into and only at the end you receive items you've mentioned.
I have a small suggestion, not sure if this has been brought up before but I would like to see partial sales in the AH. The reason is that the new players starting out don't have a lot of gold on hand and when we need to purchase a few items from the AH we end end having to spending more gold to buy the bulk items players have listed which makes it harder on us.

Such change is very complicated to be implemented in the current game version. If you need less items then you can buy stack that is on sale and then re-sell remaining pieces you don't need.

Make the arena 1 kill quest [Blood, Sweat and Training] be obtained automatically when you enter the arena. It's not a big deal but having to teleport to Marianople to get the quest, when you can queue for arena from anywhere, is a bit awkward.

Currently looking into the possibility of such change. Possibly will be added. Follow on the updates.

Change MM scoring system:
I haven't been to MM in a while, but based on experiences in the past months, the scoring system is a bit flawed in such a way that capturing bases early becomes detrimental to the final score. Rather than attempt to cap bases to get more points, the goal is now holding back on capping to have the buff for pvp, then capping at the last 2 mins to get the over all points.
There has been issues with using alts on a different faction to cap so that your main will win the war.
If there is a way to modify the scoring system wherein capping actually assures victory in the long run instead of waiting for the last 2 mins, MM may become more engaging rather than finishing the quest, capping 1 base, and porting out to wait for the last 2-3 mins to submit the quest.

There were no changes from our side. Scoring system works as intended and we see no need in change there.
Can people who enter in arena and stay afk receive some punishment?i dont talk for 1 time afk but i see the same players stay afk isn't fun play 3 vs 3 and get 1 or 2 afk in your or enemy team

We can't punish such players. Game requirements are high and some players may have troubles with their PC's capabilities that may lead to connection lose or freezes or other problems that will cause player afk not due to his fault.
Can we get warrior medals in the calendar please? The hasla event is nice, but it is a constant fight to even complete, and warrior medal sources are a pain for people who work most of the day and aren't home on time for some of the events
Mounts speed will not be changed and will remain the same as originally implemented.
That's clear, and I accept that.

However, because of my general sense of justice (if that's how you say it in English) I just can't stand when lies are around, so I feel the need to say this now. You actively getting annoyed, when people calling you out, that this server is even more P2W then the Trion ones, and you are so much better then them. You put in the Collection Breather, which no1 asked for, the solution for that is like a big nothing, but all of a sudden you finished responding to that thread. You actively put the fastest, greatest mounts in boxes, and you don't want to address it. Why the rng box mounts are the fastest and have the best abilities in the game? I know the answer, of course I know. But I find it quite shady, and dishonest, and I hate it. No, you don't have to change the speed of the mounts, I am not mad because of that. I am mad because it's not the first time I see you are doing it.

Some qol changes are great on this server, but the core problems of the game are the same as with the Trion's version. And you can do that, that is not the problem again. Just don't get annoyed when you get called out, because that innocent mentality is driving me crazy. But how you acted in the past, I know it will not reach out to you. But I had to write this out from me.
That's clear, and I accept that.

However, because of my general sense of justice (if that's how you say it in English) I just can't stand when lies are around, so I feel the need to say this now. You actively getting annoyed, when people calling you out, that this server is even more P2W then the Trion ones, and you are so much better then them. You put in the Collection Breather, which no1 asked for, the solution for that is like a big nothing, but all of a sudden you finished responding to that thread. You actively put the fastest, greatest mounts in boxes, and you don't want to address it. Why the rng box mounts are the fastest and have the best abilities in the game? I know the answer, of course I know. But I find it quite shady, and dishonest, and I hate it. No, you don't have to change the speed of the mounts, I am not mad because of that. I am mad because it's not the first time I see you are doing it.

Some qol changes are great on this server, but the core problems of the game are the same as with the Trion's version. And you can do that, that is not the problem again. Just don't get annoyed when you get called out, because that innocent mentality is driving me crazy. But how you acted in the past, I know it will not reach out to you. But I had to write this out from me.

Collection Breather you've mentioned has been discussed several times already. Alternative way to receive it in game has been provided to players and reply was provided to players by server staff as well. If reply is now what you wanted to hear, it doesn't mean question is not replied.

As for the mounts, I thought there was no need to repeat myself regarding the mounts speed, that's why reply you received to your question after it has already been replied, was a deny in change. But if that's not enough, it can be repeated.
All mounts speed varies depending on other skills in between 10 m/s and 11.5 m/s. Speed is based on other mounts abilities. Mounts with better skills get less speed and mounts with higher speed have not that good skills. For example deer mounts have high speed but not the best skills, racing zebra is a racing one, it's supposed to be fast, but tiger mount has a speed of 10 m/s only butvery good skills. You can't say it's a bad mount due to it's lower speed.
Previous mounts from the boxes had different speed as well. There were mounts with 10 m/s, with 11 m/s and with 11.5 m/s.
Deers you've menioned, don't have the "best" skills and their speed is 11.5 m/s as all deers in game have the same speed. You are saying only best mounts are in the boxes and at the same time we hear complains about the mounts from boxes with statements that they are bad as they are slow. So, seriously, are they bad or good in the boxes?! Correct, they are different. Each mount is unique, it's speed and skills and no changes will be made there.
Please add Cooking and Alchemy merchant NPCs to Advanced Fellowship Plazas.

Such addition is very complicated technically as may lead to multiple in game glitches. Not possible currently.

How about implement in game one system of bundles for corals ? Would be lovely ;;-;
Well, that commerce is getting lower... and people that farmed husbandry/gathering/farming at the start of the server is not getting anything Worth with that proficiency. So, i got that idea, make profitable for people that have proficiency at gathering be able to make bungles of corals, cuz have a lot of places that have space for aquafarms and bungalows.
Well, i don't mean only corals bundles, but all bundles at all, they could be more Worth :D.

To implement this idea we need to add new graphic files. We don't have a person in our team that could design and apply them.

We need greatly increased drop rate for Seabreeze ship design's. Customizing ships already costs Alot of resources and it should only take 20 hours of farming to get your upgrades not 100+ hours and just get Seabreeze tradepacks?!? Upgrading/Customizing ships is really cool but is not possible as Is.. Thanks

It's a rare unique equipment that is meant to remain rare as a high level one.

can we remove the glider/float nerf for archers. why can you use every other skill except float which is perfect for archers when you exit your glider.
please look into it, it will make archers 100x more fun

If such change is made, it will bring a big imbalance.

Is possible to add the items from mobs in Auroria that give Honor Points (50,100,250 - I guess is that range of points for each rarity bag)?
I think it was implemented in 4.0, so players with low gear to pvp can farm honor in pve too.

Honor Points are provided in game for PvP battles. Players receive other rewards for killing mobs. If Honor Points are added for mobs kills it will lead to pvp decrease in game.
Honor Points are provided in game for PvP battles. Players receive other rewards for killing mobs. If Honor Points are added for mobs kills it will lead to pvp decrease in game.

I'm not sure who actually open world PvPs specifically for honor unless they are solo or just going for hostile fsction kills, when they can just do an arena and get 440+ honor for killing one dude.

In party, assist honor is terrible. There is a reason why there is rarely open world PvP

Most people get their honor from events, adding to mobs would increase world PvP not Decrease, as they would be fighting over a spot to farm.

All you have to do is make mobs drop it in only 1 area, (Reedwind for example) and can almost guarantee PvP there.
I think we can increase a level of some quests for players to have a chance to still complete them and get achievements, rewards. Will need you and others to provide that quests names and we'll have them checked.

These are all the Quests from Ynsytere. There are many quests like this in the game. I'd be happy to provide a list for each zone if this is feasible.

I thought I'd start with Ynystere because it is a PVP zone, so it could create dynamic conflict in the game, as well as this is the point where players really stop doing the basic quests. They usually just do the Green Story quests and move on. Cinderstone Moor is the equivalent on Nuia and I'd happily compile a list for that zone as well.

We are asking to see if the level to obtain and complete the quests can be raised to 55, and the rewards either slightly increased to make doing the quests more interesting - merit badges, gilda stars, potions, loot buff items, etc.

There are many quests like this in the game that players skip due to the increased exp rate on the server that could provide a lot of content if the limit to complete was raised, and if the rewards were increased.

Ynystere Quests:

A Challenger Appears
A Change in the Herd
A Curse Deeper Than the Sea
A Father's Message
A Father's Obsession
A Gesture of Peace
A Meeting with the Prince
A Use for Spider Webs
A Voice in the Smoke
A Well-Reasoned Plan
All That Glitters
Ancestor's Wisdom
Belated Discovery
Big Game Hunted
Black Rose in the Royal Garden
Brave Warriors Wanted
Bug Zapper
Captain of the Fortress
Cargo Chaos
Clean Up the Stragglers
Cleansing Ritual
Collecting Memories
Creatures in the Mist
Cursed Weapons
Damaged Tombs
Double Check Everything
Drastic Measures
Drive Out the Death Energy
Drowned Out
Dye-ing Roses
Elizabeth's Star
Encroaching Evil
End the Experiment
Enforcing the Peace
Entertaining Rumors
Escape the Farm
Fiend Hunter
For Prince Ulthow
Forbidden Necronomicon
Freedom to Wander
Fun With Fertilizer
Fund Guardian
Furry White Tyrant
Ghost Busted
Hadir's End
Holmen's Test
Human Cannon #23
In the Name of Training
Infiltration Eradication
Into the Mines
Invitation to Caernord
Kai's Message
Kill Hardor
Kill One, Save One
Kimrei's Potion
Lost to Time
Mad Eggs
Making an Entrance
Malika's Inventor
March of Respect
Medicine Mushrooms
Meeting Ingbard
Meeting Ulthow
Memorial Embers
Monsters or Potatoes
Monstrous Insects
Mournful Offering
Mysterious Beautiful Woman
Necromantic Totems
Now Rest in Peace
Odd Egg Out
One Night on the Farm
Only the Wind
Peacocking Around
Purifying the Spirit
Put Your Work Clothes On
Realizing the Time
Red Roses, Green Larvae
Rekindle the Beacon
Removing Thorns
Rock Research
Rout of the Bloodhands
Rushing the Gatekeepers
Sad Truths
Save the Chickens
Seafolk at Play
Seafolk Tales
Search and Seizure
Secrets Concealed
Secrets of the Rose
Silent Forest Intruders
Skyshine Secrets
Smash the Pumpkins
Source of the Illness
Specimen Roundup
Stolen ship components
Stopped Before They Start
Sunken Treasure
Surly Trainees
Take Out Sabeltan
Tears of the Earth
That's Not Yours!
The Cause Before the Swarm
The End of Grave Maw
The Greater Good
The Most Dangerous Delicacies
The Past Returns
The Peaceful Farm Life
The Vanishing Villagers
The Young Man On the Cliff
To Meet Once More
Tome of Bewilderment
Tome of Transformation
Tracking the Scent
Trip to the Beech
Unholy Totems
Unleashing the Beast
Vessel for the Ancestors
Wails of the Banshees
Warrior's Pride
White Sea Demons
Why Not Stoltzburg?
Worried About Elsaril
Your Own Private Island
I'm not sure who actually open world PvPs specifically for honor unless they are solo or just going for hostile fsction kills, when they can just do an arena and get 440+ honor for killing one dude.

In party, assist honor is terrible. There is a reason why there is rarely open world PvP

Most people get their honor from events, adding to mobs would increase world PvP not Decrease, as they would be fighting over a spot to farm.

All you have to do is make mobs drop it in only 1 area, (Reedwind for example) and can almost guarantee PvP there.

That will turn in mobs farm, not pvp. Honor is a rewards for battles. What's honorable in killing mobs?!
That will turn in mobs farm, not pvp. Honor is a rewards for battles. What's honorable in killing mobs?!

What he's saying is there would be more incentive to farm mobs, right now there really isn't much point in mindlessly killing mobs, unless you make changes to larceny or some shit there isn't much point. Mobs having random chance to drop 50-250 honor isn't going to change that but there is barely any open world pvp aside from other anthalon since no one contests kraken or RD. The server has hit the brick wall every trion server has hit, sure you're getting new random 2ks but how long until they realise this server is worse than trion in terms of p2w? It may be cheaper to p2W here but its still really p2w nontheless. well not win, but pay to gear lets just call it that

Call me crazy or blind but what custom content have you guys provided o_O all i've seen are changes to stackings and some items and all but wheres your custom bosses or equipment ? wheres ya custom map dungeon etc because i don't see any of it. The whole draw to the server was that it wouldn't be like trion's but as it stands its pretty much the same, the changes the community want are just being ignored because of your whole if it aint broken don't fix it mentality. But lets be real here, the current trion 4.5 hiram gear scheme thing helps new players alot more than anything on this server currently, it gives new players gear they can actually farm for thats more than viable to pvp in, you had that whole transfering players get t2 obs gear and t4 weapons that lasted like 2 weeks, why? why not make that stay? what are you losing from it. From screenshots / other posts i've seen all you've done is say no no no to reasonable changes like you guys are actually the ones playing the game lol unless you have all secret characters in fortitude and are lowkey siding with them i believe you should actually start listening to some suggestions the people have, if something is 100% not doable then say that from the get go ^^

nvm i'm crazy, i forgot you guys host scuffed "pvp" tournaments and random rp events that don't benefit the server at all and the shitty boss in sungold no one did oops that was ur content my bad
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Bringing my post here from the thread about the economy: Return Larceny to how it was in 2.9, where everything dropped from just purses and purses dropped from every enemy. It was great to have the coinpurses, stolen coinpurses, and then the scratched safes. But keep the locked crates like Lost Metallic Crate and Metallic Auroran Crate.

Most people will agree that 3.0 larceny is absolute fucking dogshit. There's a reason it's a dead proficiency now and wasn't in 2.9. You look around you'll hardly find anyone actually farming purses unless they need auroria mats or if they just have nothing else to do.

That will turn in mobs farm, not pvp. Honor is a rewards for battles. What's honorable in killing mobs?!
If you bring a ton of pvp and honor hungry people into one area, it'll induce pvp because people will have to fight over the mobs.
That will turn in mobs farm, not pvp. Honor is a rewards for battles. What's honorable in killing mobs?!

Mob farming in a single zone, which leads to PvP. If I want honor Im going to go over there and kill the guy trying to farm honor cause I want to :p Live server implemented it and it works perfectly fine