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The problem with suggestions and their implementations

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@Sparkle You can't get bored on this game there are 120 classes to try, so many different gear to get, there's no actual endgame gear, but it's up to you, either let more people leave or triple the population, you can tell which one is more profitable to you eitherway.
I want to zone in on this a tiny bit. I've been going around recently to legacy players and asking them why won't they try the private sever out. I had mixed answers, but the one of the reasons almost everyone gave me was the rng was exactly the same as trions, and they weren't gonna spend a crazy amount of time regearing up for the 5th time.

In all of archeage, the most common criticism was the rng in this game. Everyone hated it. People eventually left and went to games like Black Desert Online. Even though that game has its fair share of rng, the difference is failing did not mean restarting at zero. This is the main thing we want from this honor change. Like insanity said earlier, we are not asking for Legendaries or Mythics here. We are not trying to make this game so easy that anyone can have 7k gear score in 2 weeks. We are simply trying to remove the negative aspects about the game that was one of the driving factors of Archeage as a whole dying.
Speaking about myself here, if I fully geared my abolisher with legendary crafted gear that would take a shitload amount of time, I'd start getting gear to play a spellsong, then a primeval, and the list goes on and by the time I finish gearing all those and enjoying them to the max the Sun would be a white dwarf. So your argument about people quitting after endgame gear does not make sense.
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Imagine, we added all the requested changes. You start the game, and in 1-2 months you enchant armor and weapon for max and insert max gems. All your friends do the same. Now all server have top armor, top weapon and top stuff.
What will you do next? Of course you'll leave the game, as now all the players are at the same level and you have nothing else to reach in game, no more goals.
Would you still be interested in continuing playing? All players will be the same, no differences, no more goals. You'll get bored fast and leave.

you are forgetting about regrading. which we have never asked for a change in.

everytime you reach the plateau of your current gears ability to increase, you start regrading for the next set. that is archeage. you got a full gemmed celestial set? start working on divine. full gemmed divine set? start working on epic. that is what keeps the whales playing. none of the changes we have proposed will make it so you can get a full gemmed epic set with ease.

we are talking about making it less painful to get a few gems in. not easy to full gem.

we are talking about making more, FUN, and DOABLE, ways for EVERYONE to get luckies, so that theres more divines on the server for
EVERYONE to use or blow up, whatever they want. i have played this game for 3-4 years now. i have never once seen divine t1 selling for 10k 3+ months into a server. actually ridiculous. and im pretty sure most of the people selling divine weapons for that much are losing money bc of how expensive luckies are lol all of these prices, luckies, divines, even epics. are DOUBLE the price they have ever been on any other server.

you are talking about the top 5% of players on a year old server who have full gemmed legendary/epic sets. where they have been allowed to buy gold at $1-2 per 1000g for 8+ months. OF COURSE THEY HAVE THAT. not to mention, would you say the RU server is healthy? has been healthily populated this whole time? now can you say that with a straight face? we are proposing changes to keep the NA server from being a dead freefarmed corpse of a server like RU has been for 8+ months. there was always an english mod to play on that server. why do you think none of us ever went to play there? why do you think we are slowly leaving this one? you listen to us then decide that you know better. you very clearly do not know better. and even if you do. it doesnt matter. at the end of the day we will play on the server if and only if the server rules align with our needs/wants. otherwise we will all go back to trion for 4.5 fresh start. make your choice. listen to us or continue to pretend like youre listening.
ok so let me start off by saying I TOLD YOU SO @Sparkle . also let me add i guarantee im in the top 5% of players who actually farm honor to no end even pay people THOUSANDS of gold to gem gear for me and still have yet to hit a 6 six socket in any piece of gear. now i made a video half way through my 100k gemmming spree just to show you how bullshit it really is.
one broken headset and hole in wall later this was the result.
no editing just raw video no music nothing
If NA is more competitive it means it's easier and faster on NA to acquire honor points than on RU. It means if RU players didn't have a hard time to receive them, NA should be able to get them even easier.
Problem is, a lot of competition doesn't bring in honor. I don't go to MM, luscas or abyssal very often because I honestly prefer being with a smaller group of people who I know. We learn to play to each others strengths. Like a friend of mine, an archer, we played together enough that he will watch my health and his health and run towards me for healing hymn, as an example. If we pvp for packs, fight greens (Brutally honest this isn't a faction game), as examples, we will get no honor.

For example, not counting small scale pvp, let's say there's a raid contesting anthalon. You may see hundreds of kills in an anthalon contest, but guess what.. it's not a war zone, so no honor.

My honest suggestion for honor gems: every fail adds 1% to a "Karma" kinda system, which can cap out at like 75% (these things aren't lunascales). So fail and break 75 gems (so the past socketed gems would count if broken), and you get a much higher rate of gemming the next gem of choice. Perhaps even stack a karma system to 2 gems, so you can socket 5/7 and then get 75% rate boosts to the last 2 gems.

It's not entirely the rng, it's the consistent and absurdly low rng.
While I do agree that the system has always been rough on the unlucky there is always a way around it. The AH sells items with max gems now and then. Use that and work on a second. All these changes will lead to one main problem, one Trion faced... a buncha overgeared unkillable people fighting overgeared unkillable people and THAT is totally effin boring. The two slot success is great, for anything be it honor or made/ah gems. New players can mine and make a profit or farm seabugs or do many other things. Many areas of the game have free to use houses to generate gold and btw I failed at trying to get that all in one place for months due to greedy or selfish people but I didn't quit, I just kept on, then I wanted all the bonuses once I had all the land setup and houses built. I worked on them and friends helped and we did it. That's a goal btw for those that do not know. Start to a finish. The game gives new players the ability to generate gold... skateboards, haulers from GR and so forth. From there you can in the safety of your own unattackable zone make decent gold to buy something you are not lucky enough to get in the RNG system.

Play the game, when things fail change your plan and keep going,
Thanks for telling us how to play the game, I never thought to buy the honor!... wait.... yes I did, i brought a 4slotted shirt then paid someone 20k ingame gold for their honor and ended up with nothing in my shirt k thanks. But im not the issue, I can handle failing rng, the issue is people are quitting because of this shit, you telling them how to work around rng isnt changing the fact that people are getting frustrated to the point of quitting due to PTSD of exactly why they quit trion. Pretty sure people were just hoping some adjustments could be made so they might get a chance of reaching endgame pvp to fight some of the guilds who are already at that point and are getting bored and quitting because of the lack of people being geared enough to compete against them at content.
Asked for honor changes, got general gem changes which don't address what we wanted. The fact that we have the same pop as the nuch older RU shows the dire straight we are going towards. I want to spend my honor on a siege tank and goblets instead of gems. I'd like to get divine pants/chest, especially if I knew I wouldn't lose my sanity gemming it. Gemming is/was one of the main reasons people quit and dislike TRION servers. You should be worried about declining donations which leads to higher credit prices and a declining player base. You have a Trion fresh start coming out soon.

what we generally wanted

Gems having a lower % to socket but don't break. This fixes damage problems from melee at the same time and allows people to stop farming honor mindlessly and do other things *gasp*.

I agree 100% with disreps comments especially about BDO. No one wants to start over from scratch.

If change is not good for the players, we can reverse it back to what it was. Just a reminder, this thread is a 3.0 discussion only, not 2.9. Let's not forget about the thread topic.

From another thread, but sparkle seems to see us as ungrateful and is threatening to take what little change was made now?
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Please explain how the proposed system does anything in allowing players to "fast track" their way to endgame. All it offers is less headache and character gimping unless something has gone over my head.

I was referring to the overall philosophy that Sparkle was presenting rather than the specifics...without progression to work on there's nothing to do, if nobody needed honor they wouldn't do the events.

However this is set off balance by honor's importance for functioning in PVP - so like I said in the original post - Toughness and Resilience are too important. I personally like Disrep's suggestion of making honor useful for other things rather than base functionality.
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SO Sparkle is basically telling that people who got full gemmed gear in this server are gonna quit, assuming they reached the roof and have nothing more to spend honor on?
SO Sparkle is basically telling that people who got full gemmed gear in this server are gonna quit, assuming they reached the roof and have nothing more to spend honor on?

That's the concern, yes. I'd rather have double or triple the server pop and lose those handful of people who got bored than have 1/3rd the population of people who keep dwindling out of frustration.
That's the concern, yes. I'd rather have double or triple the server pop and lose those handful of people who got bored than have 1/3rd the population of people who keep dwindling out of frustration.
The gear grind doesn't stop with full gemmed pants/chest. If I suddenly had full gemmed divine pants/chest I'd want to pvp the shit out the oceans with them.
The gear grind doesn't stop with full gemmed pants/chest. If I suddenly had full gemmed divine pants/chest I'd want to pvp the shit out the oceans with them.
to be honest, once im done with chest and pants i need to farm another 60k for a div gr belt, (if it even goes div) thats 60k an attempt also IM GOING TO BE FIRST GENERAL TITLE ON THE SERVER YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST
Gratz, you got fully gemmed t4 celestial shirt. Now you just got a new divine shirt+pants, either buying or regarding yourself, more gems. Oh, you just saw a sweet divine ayanad shirt+pants in the perfect roll, gem those too!
Gemming doesn't stop until mythic ayanad/t7, as there is always something better to aim for.
To be fair, the server is double honor, and they made the recent change. I actually think the lack of luckies on the server is 10x a bigger issue then the gemming system.
I went from 4 gems in top and pants, being able to fight pretty well in a 3v1. I now have no gems and am being two shotted by those same people.

THERE IS NO PLACE FOR RNG, WHEN IT COMES TO RES/TOUGH. It's compulsory for PvP and im beginning to get ****ed off with going backwards. There is already too much RNG in Archeage.
"If change is not good for the players, we can reverse it back to what it was. Just a reminder, this thread is a 3.0 discussion only, not 2.9. Let's not forget about the thread topic."

N.A. Brain makes smart move lets just scap it all fuck it

also i could see why RUS pop went for the 3.0 update just like you will see a spike in NA's pop cuz of 3.0 the combats fun as shit so talking numbers is irrelevant wit ha new patch in play
About time someone made this thread, I've pretty much joined the ranks of people that only log in to pay land just in case this server gets better to come back to.
To be fair, the server is double honor, and they made the recent change. I actually think the lack of luckies on the server is 10x a bigger issue then the gemming system.
There's a decent flow of luckies, I think that if the Hasla event was reworked based on the current suggestions then it'd really help to improve the flow of luckies as well as make hasla the pvp zone people imagined it'd be from the event.
Imagine, we added all the requested changes. You start the game, and in 1-2 months you enchant armor and weapon for max and insert max gems. All your friends do the same. Now all server have top armor, top weapon and top stuff.
What will you do next? Of course you'll leave the game, as now all the players are at the same level and you have nothing else to reach in game, no more goals.
Would you still be interested in continuing playing? All players will be the same, no differences, no more goals. You'll get bored fast and leave.

The only reason someone would leave after maxing out gear is if there is no content and no more pvp or competition over things going down.

The problem is you're going to run into 2 sets of people who quit this game.

A. The ones who get tired of chasing the infinite hamster wheel or who never bother because the ceiling is too high.
B. The ones who quit because there's no content, no competition, and no one playing to compete against.

It all reflects back to the same issues, and lack of competency within XL games. Because you've essentially been playing a game that hasn't released anything significantly new in 2 years, and not enough content to keep people entertained even before said new content was released.

And this is where you come in. You could either rely on XL's systems which everyone know are flawed and the reason why we ended up with private servers and a ghost town of a game on live servers in the first place.

Or, you could choke the shit out of the reigns and drive the game into more of a custom design that highlighted what keeps peoples attention in this game. The hasla ideas, zombie rifts things like that....you're barely tapping the surface of possibility, but there are tons of things you could create in custom that would give people content outside of a constant carrot on a stick gear system like.....the more time people spend gearing the less time they spend out and about actually fighting and competing. Chicken or egg, which one comes first.
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